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Can I Face DUI Charges If My Breathalyzer Results Were Under the Legal Limit?

When facing a DUI charge in Florida, many assume that a breathalyzer result below the legal limit of 0.08% means automatic dismissal of any potential DUI charge. However, this is not always the case. Florida law allows for DUI charges based on factors beyond breath test results, and it is always important to consult with a top Clearwater DUI lawyer to protect yourself if you have been subjected to a breathalyzer test.

Ready for Gasparilla? Avoid a DUI Conviction This Year

Residents and visitors of Tampa Bay await Gasparilla every single year. For some, it’s an excuse to dress up like their favorite swashbuckler; for others, it means parties from sunrise until sunset. As the best DWI attorneys in Clearwater, the team at The Law Office of Timothy Sullivan is committed to ensuring our clients enjoy their Gasparilla this year and avoid a DUI.

Can I Be Charged with a DUI in Pinellas County if I Wasn’t Driving?

Many people believe that being charged with driving under the influence requires actively operating a vehicle, but that is not necessarily true. In Pinellas County, law enforcement can file DUI charges against individuals who are not driving based on the legal concept of “actual physical control.” If you find yourself facing a DUI charge when you were not operating a vehicle, it is important that you consult with one of the leading DUI defense lawyers in Clearwater with the Law Office of Timothy Sullivan.

Keeping Holiday Spirits Bright Without a DUI in Pinellas County

The holiday season is a time of celebration, gathering with loved ones, and enjoying festive traditions. But at the Law Office of Timothy Sullivan, our Clearwater DUI defense lawyers know how quickly a merry celebration can turn into a serious legal matter, so we’ve compiled our top tips to help keep your holiday spirits bright without a DUI.

Can My DUI Get Reduced to Reckless Driving?

If you’ve been charged with driving under the influence in Pinellas County, you may wonder if there’s a way to avoid the harsh consequences of a DUI conviction. In many cases, securing a reduction to reckless driving can be a favorable outcome, as it generally comes with less severe penalties and fewer long-term consequences.

Avoiding a Nightmare: Don’t Let a DUI Haunt Your Halloween

Halloween is a favorite time of the year for costume parties and get-togethers. While many of these festivities involve drinking, it is important to have a proactive plan in place to avoid one of the scariest ways to end a fun night – a DUI. As the best DUI lawyers in Clearwater, we have seen countless cases of driving under the influence leading to severe consequences, and we are prepared to help you prevent a DUI this Halloween.

The Hidden Costs of a DUI Conviction in Pinellas County

A DUI conviction can result in more than just legal consequences. In addition to potentially heavy fines and jail time, a DUI can lead to significant hidden costs. If you are facing a DUI charge, working with a Clearwater DUI defense lawyer with the Law Office of Timothy Sullivan can help you lessen or avoid these hidden costs.

Defense services for DUI and DWI offenses.


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