You may feel hopeless if you were stopped for a DUI and blew a 0.08 BAC or above. It is completely normal to not know what to do next, and the uncertainty can cause anxiety during an already stressful time navigating a DUI charge.
In reality, there are a few things The Law Office of Timothy Sullivan can do to ensure your rights are protected, including examining how the officer administered the intoxilyzer breath test, analyzing the results of the test, and seeking a reduction in the charge from a DUI to Reckless Driving.
A strong Clearwater DUI defense attorney team like The Law Office of Timothy Sullivan can help to reduce the consequences for you, making it worth your while to contact a lawyer, even if you did blow over the legal limit on the breathalyzer. Keep reading to learn how one of our team’s top DUI attorneys in Clearwater can help your case.